Healthy Skin One Bite at a Time

Foods to help with skin health


At FROWNIES we know what you feed your face matters. What you eat can affect your hormone balance, cause acne, and create inflammation (which is associated with skin aging). That is why we are telling your what you eat is as important as the serums and creams you apply for that healthy glow look.


Frownies has collected a list of foods that help prevent skin problems and promote skin health. The term "you are what you eat", is reality when it comes to your skin. How much mind you pay to what you eat, not only shows in your figure, but also shows on your face. You’re welcome in advance for your gorgeous, healthy skin!


Olive Oil ~ Researchers found higher consumption (more than 2 teaspoons) of olive oil is associated with fewer signs of aging compared to people who ate less than 1 teaspoon a day. Olive oil beat out sunflower and peanut oil when tested. 75% of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids, which gives a youth boost. Antioxidants polyphenols in olive oil also quench damaging free radicals.
Tomatoes ~ 2008 Research study found people who ate 5 tablespoons of tomatoes paste daily along with almost a tablespoon of olive oil for 12 weeks, had 33% more protection from sunburn compared to a control group that ate just olive oil. The antioxidant lycopene improves skin’s natural SPF (levels of which are higher in cooked, processed tomatoes. Tomatoes are not a replacement for sunscreen.
Dark chocolate ~ Rich Cocoa flavanols, and plant compounds with antioxidant properties, help hydrate skin and improve circulation. Those who consume high flavanol cocoa powder drink, a one-ounce serving, or a 150-calorie portion will experience less skin roughness and scaliness.
Oatmeal  ~ Oatmeal as a good substitute for sugary breakfast foods. Refined sugary carbs that prompt your body to make insulin and increase the production of hormones known as androgens. Elevated androgens cause sebaceous glands in the skin to secrete more oil that gets trapped inside pores, causing pimples.
Sardines ~ One serving of these small fish contains 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, making it one of the best sources of the fat. Fatty fish is particularly rich in the type of omega-3 called DHA, an anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is now known as the root cause of acne. Packing your diet with DHA omega-3’s can help keep your skin clear.
Green tea In a 2011 study people who drank a beverage containing green tea polyphenols daily for 12 weeks had skin that was more elastic, smooth, and had ¼ less sun damage when exposed to UV light compared with control group. Green tea’s catechins like EGCG (antioxidants) boost blood flow and oxygen to the skin, which delivers key nutrients to keep your complexion healthy.
Kale ~  One of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralize the free radicals created by UV light—including wavelengths that actually get through sunscreen and reach your skin. Just 1 cup gives you 134% and 133% of your daily value for skin-firming vitamin C and A.
Walnutsthe only type of nut that contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which is especially important for vegetarians who are skipping fish. Walnuts have an omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. (Deficiency in this fat can result in eczema, which is associated with dry, scaly skin).
Rosemary ~ Consuming 4 or more herbs regularly—rosemary or thyme for example—was associated with up to a 60% reduced risk of melanoma, herbs pack a ton of antioxidants into a tiny skin-protecting package, squelching free radicals from the sun before they can damage skin.
Almond milk ~ This tasty drink makes the list because of what it is not—Dairy! Research shows dairy is highly inflammatory, which means it will aggravate acne, wrinkles, and rashes.
Water ~ Water keeps your kin hydrated—and staying hydrated makes it appear plumper and less wrinkled. Another reason to fill up on water over other drinks: you’ll save on sugar. Sugars found in juices, sodas, and sports drinks cause your skin major woes. When blood sugar levels are high, sugars can attach to proteins in collagen and produce compounds thatcause skin to sag and wrinkle.
Sunflower Seeds ~ 37% of your daily needs for vitamin E per ounce, these seeds can help keep your skin pimple-free. Vitamin E is thought to enhance immune function, allowing the body to fight off the inflammation that leads to acne.
Mackerel ~ One of the best sources of vitamin B12 containing 16 mcg, or 270% of what your body needs in a day. Many people miss out on B12 when trying to eat less meat (or vegetarians who do not eat any at all). Some symptoms of B12 deficiency are hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and vitiligo (white spots). Making sure you get enough of this vitamin everyday (vegan sources include nutritional yeast) can help keep skin even toned.
Carrots ~ Filling up on carrots can give you a natural glow. 2011 study found that people who eat a higher amount of carotenoid- containing fruits and vegetables, like carrots, have more yellow tones in their skin, giving them a completion that others rated as looking healthier!


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The information provided on this website is intended solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical or dermatological advice. At Frownies, we recognize that individual skin responses to treatments and skincare products vary. Testimonials shared represent personal experiences and may not reflect the outcomes of all users, as results depend on numerous factors such as consistency, skin type, age, lifestyle, and more.

We strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider or dermatologist before incorporating any new skincare regimen, including Frownies products, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or specific skincare concerns.

Thank you for prioritizing your health and well-being.