Frownies Store Locator
Frownies products are available to ship across the United States from our warehouse in Dayton, Ohio. You can find Frownies products in many stores in your area! Use the map to find a store near you that sells Frownies.
Frownies products are available to ship across the United States from our warehouse in Dayton, Ohio.
Frownies products are available to ship across the United States from our warehouse in Dayton, Ohio. You can find Frownies products in many stores in your area!
You can find Frownies products in many stores in your area!
To find stores that sell Frownies products in your area, simply click on the "Find Stores" button below.
You can also search for a specific product by typing in the name of the product into the search box and clicking "search."
Type in store addresses you want to visit, or click on the map to see where all the stores are located!
Use the map to find a store near you that sells Frownies.
Use the map below to find a store near you that sells Frownies.
You can also use this map to find a store near you that sells other brands of patches. If there are no stores in your area, don’t worry: we have online ordering available, too!
Frownies products are available worldwide through our local distributors. Please contact Frownies via email to see if Frownies is available in your country.
If you are interested in distributing our products, please contact us via email.
Frownies® products are available worldwide through our local distributors. Please contact Frownies via email to see if Frownies is available in your country.
You can also shop for frownies at many stores around the United States and Canada, or purchase them directly from our website at
If you have any questions, please contact Frownies via email or call us at 1-800-648-6891.